I made this Centerpiece to match my spring dishes, complete with the chocolate bunny (yum) |
Of course no Easter celebration is complete without going to church first. The best part about our Sacrament mtg was the primary children singing "I wonder When He Comes Again" I was disappointed that there was no chocolate passed out in any of my classes but we made up for it later. Everyone helped with dinner which was so nice. We had chicken fried steak with gravy and mashed potatoes. Sort of a different meal for us. Rhyll completed our day with homemade Strawberrry short cake.
Allison and Scott, the perfect couple (at least we think so.) |
New Easter dresses, I made mine.....amazing I know.....the shoes are the best part. Look at those modest girls....so cute! |
Nephi and Easter looking tall and gorgeous |
notice the ketchup is the main focus...go figure? |
After dinner Scott hid a ton of plastic eggs stuffed with money and candy in our front yard and even in spite of the rain (which I am still ticked about) we had an egg hunt. Scottee didn't really get the point of the whole Easter thing until he discovered the money in some of the eggs and then he was all for it. He commented that "Easter is kind of like an Christian Halloween" Someday I might explain the Atonement to him (again).
Our place settings had individual birds nests with jelly bean eggs in them which Rhyll tried to eat before dinner.
After the egg hunt we competed in an EGG-TREME SPORT competition. The prizes where chocolate bunnies and we used about 6 dozen hard boiled dyed eggs which are now smashed all over our back yard.....The critters back there are having a potluck tonight.
Esther didn't win anything in the games but she found the $10 bill in the egg hunt (lucky girl) |
Nephi won the longest throw by hitting a tree on the island in the lake thrown from the top deck...wow, I'm impressed. |
Kailey tied Nephi for most eggs in the egg hunt and got best time in the egg balancing competition. |
Scottee won a chocolate bunny for landing a hard boiled egg in a bucket down by the fire pit thrown from the top deck. |
Wish I was there... your table is amazing {as usual} will you make me a center piece?
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